PhD Fellowships in Sustainability at United Nations University
PhDour score

UNU offers PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowships to provide young scholars and policymakers, especially from the developing world, with a multidisciplinary context within which to pursue advanced research and training that are of professional interest to the successful applicant and of direct relevance to the research agenda of their selected UNU-IAS or UNU Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR) programme.

Research areas are: sustainable societies; natural capital and biodiversity; global change and resilience.


Applicants must be at the dissertation-writing stage of their PhD and able to make use of the UNU-IAS facilities in Tokyo Japan, to carry out their research. Fellows will be resident in Tokyo for the full term of the fellowship. Applicants from developing countries and women are particularly encouraged to apply. Language proficiency in English is required.


SCHOLARSHIP VALUE: The fellowship provides a monthly stipend of ¥260,000 and a one-off allowance of ¥80,000 for relocation, adjustment expenses, ground transportation and incidental costs. Fellows will also receive return airfare to their country of residence.

DURATION: 12 months

DEADLINE: 28th February 2017

HOW TO APPLY: Apply online


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