OECD Agriculture Research Fellowships
Post-Docour score


Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of a country that currently participates in the OECD Co-operative Research Programme (CRP), and the collaborating host institution must be located in another participating country. Countries participating in the CRP: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States. Scientists already holding a position in a foreign laboratory are not eligible to apply to remain in that laboratory.

 Whilst candidates should hold a Ph.D. or have the equivalent expertise and/or be extensively published, priority is given to the overall scientific quality of each application considering its relevance to the Programme’s Research Themes and the Programme’s multi-disciplinary focus. The programme is not targeted at PhD students. Applicants should have 4 years of postdoctoral training.

 Applicants should have a contract with their present employer that ensures their continued employment after completion of the fellowship. If this is not the case, applicants are requested to ask their institution to certify that there will be a continued on-going scientific affiliation with the host laboratory once the fellowship ends, as this ensures that the relationships established during the fellowship are put to beneficial use.

 Before submitting an application, candidates should have their employers’ agreement to the application and to the take up of the fellowship should they be successful.

 A candidate who has already been the recipient of a CRP fellowship may apply for a second award, but only 5 years after the year of their first fellowship.



  1. Travel costs (calculated based on a return economy class air ticket (APEX or similar). Note that the travel allowance is calculated to cover a single return trip to and from the host laboratory and the place of domicile.

2. Weekly Subsistence Allowance: currently 400 EUR or 450 EUR per week (depending on the cost of living of the host country). This subsistence allowance is to cover all normal living expenses (accommodation, food, etc.) and incidentals (daily travel to and from work etc.)

3. Terminal charges: A lump sum allowance of 165 EUR is paid to cover transportation costs incurred in the taking and leaving of duties at the host laboratory.

DURATION: Fellowships may be from 6 to 26 weeks

DEADLINE: 10 September, 2021

HOW TO APPLY: Apply online



the author

I find joy in filling the World with Scholars that can protect the environment. Being a Scholarship adviser seems to me as the right path to making this happen.

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