West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use) is a large-scale research-focused Climate Service Center designed to help tackle severe challenges posed by climate change and thereby enhance the resilience of human and environmental systems to climate change and increased variability. The WASCAL Capacity Building Program through the Graduate studies program handle helps educate the next generation of scientists attain an intimate knowledge of different climate related issues in order to help the region develop suitable management strategies.
- Candidates applying for masters program (MRP) must have a minimum BSc degree (second class upper division) in a discipline relevant to the MRP.
Candidates applying for doctoral program (GRP) must have a masters degree in relevant discipline in addition to BSc degree (second class upper division). Other general requirements include:
1. Citizen of WASCAL member country.
2. Five credits including Mathematics and English Language that are also equivalent to Francophone university grading system.
3. Gender-balanced selection decision.
4. Proficiency in English Language.
5. Meet additional requirements of the Lead University.
SCHOLARSHIP VALUE: WASCAL provides full scholarship to the doctoral and Masters Students in all the ten lead Universities with comprehensive training and research support.
DURATION: 2 years for masters and 3 and half for doctoral
DEADLINE: June 14, 2019
HOW TO APPLY: Apply online